
Welcome. We’re glad you’re here.

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Your opinions, insights, and experiences are important, and we’d love to hear from you.

Please tell us about an experience you had with Carelon Health. It could be about an interaction with a doctor or nurse, a telehealth visit, or your healthcare journey. No matter what it may be, we’re all ears.

Submit a review today.

Get tips from the telehealth how-to guide

A telehealth appointment, or virtual visit, connects you with your doctor or nurse by internet or phone. It’s a good choice for those who:

  • Live far away from care services.
  • Have limitations with time, transportation, or physical mobility.
  • Benefit from regular monitoring.

Learn the ins and outs of a telehealth visit with the telehealth how-to guide. 

Manage your prescriptions more easily

You may be eligible to get your prescriptions in an extended day supply and with home delivery.

With extended day supply, you can get your medication in a 90- or 100-day supply, instead of the typical 30-day supply. That means fewer trips to the pharmacy and fewer copays.

With home delivery, your prescriptions can arrive safely and securely right to your door. Home delivery may also come with discounts.

To find out more about extended day supply and home delivery, call the member services number on the back of your health plan ID card.

Important resources


Primary Care patients

Access the patient portal and learn about the Carelon Health Nurse Advice Line, Healthy Start™, Healthy Journey, and vaccines.

Go to Primary Care 


Find care

Primary Care patients can use the search tool to find Carelon Health doctors and care centers. You can also search for dialysis centers, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and urgent care locations.

Search now 


Health education

Find helpful articles about wellness and what you can do to improve your whole health. There’s information on all kinds of topics — from how to avoid falls to ways to manage stress to the benefits of staying active.

Explore topics 

What our patients have to say 

Healthcare is personal — so are we.
Experience the difference.